Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Meeting and ULI Introduction

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The Real Estate Law Society’s First Meeting of the Year!
Also, Introducing our Alliance with the
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
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Presented by Joshua Burroughs
Thursday, August 30 from 12-1
Welcome to the first meeting on the year for the Real Estate Law Society! We will be introducing our Board Members, discussing goals for the year, announcing upcoming events, and talking about how YOU can get more involved with RELS.
We will also be discussing our new alliance with the Urban Land Institute with a presentation from Joshua Burroughs. The ULI is a multidisciplinary real estate forum with nearly 30,000 members worldwide representing a broad spectrum of land use and development fields. Mr. Burroughs will be discussing the many advantages and opportunities available with ULI for our members.
Check out the Urban Land Institute San Francisco here: http://www.ulisf.org/

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